Tuesday, November 18, 2008


After looking at both Wikipedia and Scholarpedia I think that Scholarpedia is the new updated more accurate Wikipedia. I would feel more comfortable using this wiki rather than Wikipedia since anyone can write an article on it and you have no idea if its the truth or not. In Scholarpedia someone has to look over the article and approve it before it can be changed. I think that will help it to have more up-to-date and reliable material. I have always used Wikipedia to look up answers to some questions that I have about various things but I never thought of using it with a group instead of email like shown in the Wikis in Plain English. I was always taught to never use Wikipedia or any wiki when doing a research project so because this is so embedded in my mind I don't know if I can ever really trust a wiki to give me accurate information. I got the picture from http://alyssabaker.pbwiki.com/f/wiki.gif.

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